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此次大會,邀請了諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎得主布魯斯•博伊特勒(Bruce Beutler)、世界衛生組織前總幹事陳馮富珍女士、陳竺、張伯禮、吳以嶺、陳凱先、陳可冀等9位院士、周岱翰、張大寧、楊春波、劉嘉湘4位國醫大師以及部分長江學者、傑出青年和中醫藥領域的知名專家與在場700餘位醫學精英一起分享了科研成果和醫學心得。








特別是強調「夫婦雙方調治」、 」種子必先調經」等,為我們當今研治不孕提供了寶貴的經驗。





2. 「腎-天癸-沖任-胞宮軸」主宰著女性的生殖生理

















The Strengths and treatment strategies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for reproductive disorders

Hong Zhao

China-Japan Friendship Hospital 2017.12.6

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been applied for treatment with reproduction disease for a long time and has made great contributions to the reproduction of the Chinese people for thousands of years.

1. The origin and development of TCM reproductive medicine

As early as the Xia and Shang dynasties, infertility were documented. The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (Huangdi Neijing) is the first medical classic in China, which indicated that "...when women are 14 years old, memstruation (reproduction-stimulating essence) comes. Subsequently, Ren meridian unblocks and Chong meridian is sufficient. women have regular menstruations and can produce children". That lays the theoretical foundation for physiology of reproduction in women. In Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica (Shennong Bencao Jing), it is shown in the chapter of Fluorite (Zishiying) that "if wind-cold in the uterus, women cannot be pregnant in ten years". 「Wen Jing Decoction」 which was regarded as origin of regulation of menses, was recorded in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet (Jin Gui Yao Lue). That showed 「if women suffer from abdomen cold and cannot conceive a child, Wen Jing decoction may solve this problem」. In Treatise on the Origins and Manifestations of Various Diseases (Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun), infertility was considered as a special disease for the first time. In The Complete Collection of Prescriptions for Women (Furen Daquan Liangfang), a chapter named "Reproduction", highlighted the status of reproductive medicine as an independent specialty in medicine. From then on, the four most famous doctors of Jin and Yuan Dynasties and doctors in the following Ming and Qing dynasties continually enriched and improved the treatment of infertility from different perspectives. The theories of "treatment of both the man and the wife" and "regulating menstruations before trying to conceive a baby" have provided valuable experience for treatment of infertility today.

In the 21st century, reproductive dysfunction has become one of the three major diseases threatening the health of human beings in their daily life, and infertility is the main cause of reproductive dysfunction. With the two-child policy widely adopted in China mainland, the research on reproductive medicine is urgently needed. However, assisted reproductive technology faced many challenges which have impeded its development in clinical practice. The timely application of TCM is proved effectively in treating infertility and its advantages have been discovered in many aspects.

2. The "kidney–memstruation–Chong and Ren meridian –uterus axis" dominates the reproductive physiology of women

Women have their unique physiological features, including menstruation, leucorrhea, pregnancy and childbirth. The joint effect of the kidney, memstruation, Chong and Ren meridian on the uterus ensures the normal physiological role in women. The effect of the "hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis" on female physiological functions in western medicine, is similar with the "kidney, memstruation, Chong and Ren meridian–uterus axis" in TCM. As professor Xu Runsan—a famous TCM gynecologist and an accredited TCM master—suggested, kidney qi in TCM is equivalent to the hypothalamus, and memstruation, Chong and Ren meridian perform the physiological functions under its control; Equivalent to the pituitary gland, memstruation is a kind of yin essence that influences human growth, development and reproduction. On the assumption of sufficient kidney Qi, memstruation is sufficient, Ren meridian unblocks and Chong meridian is sufficient. Thus, the reproductive function can be performed; Chong meridian is equivalent to the ovary and regarded as the sea of blood and the foundation of menstruation. When Chong meridian is sufficient, menstruation will come at regular intervals; Equivalent to the uterus, Ren meridian is the foundation of pregnancy and embryo development which controls yin essence of the whole body.

Under the joint influence of kidney Qi, memstruation, Chong and ren meridian, the uterus produces menstruation, nurtures the embryo and enables childbirth. Likewise, the abnormal function of the "kidney–memstruation–chong and ren meridian–uterus axis" would cause gynecological diseases.

3.The applications of special treatment with TCM gynecology in reproductive disorders

(1)Periodic treatment with TCM

The menses and fertility changed periodically, which are controlled by kidney–memstruation–Chong and Ren meridian –uterus axis. The periodic treatment with TCM means different treatment was performed according to periodic change of Yin, Yang, Qi and blood. (1) postmenstrual (follicular phase), we should nourish essence and blood of kidney and liver to accelerate the development of follicular according to the insufficient of blood sea, decrease of Yinand growth of Yang in TCM. (2)intermenstrual period (ovulatory phase), extreme yin will change to Yang in TCM. We should nourish kidney Yang and promote blood circulation to boost the follicular discharge. (3) premenstruum period (luteal phase), we should nourish kidney Yang, regulate menses and prevent miscarriage. (4) menstrual period, extreme yang will change to Ying in TCM. We should nourish blood to promote shedding of the endometrium. This treatment strategy applies for the patients who suffer from advanced age, reduced ovarian reserve function and premature ovarian failure.

(2)External treatments in TCM

External treatments in TCM include that traditional medicine clyster, iontophoresis, fumigation, sticking and foot bath etc. On account of the special anatomical position of reproductive organs, the above treatment strategies can promote blood circulation in pelvic cavity, improve the nutrition of tissues and eliminate adhesion and abdominal mass. Salpingemphraxis and pelvic adhesion, the main causes for infertility, can be also cured by the above treatments in clinical practices.

In summary, the complementary advantages of Western medicine (WM) and TCM in reproduction, will make progress in quantity and quality of the Chinese people.



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