IMDb "Top 100" (Sorted by Runtime Ascending)

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IMDb "Top 100" (Sorted by Runtime Ascending) · 1. Toy Story (1995) · 2. City Lights (1931) · 3. Modern Times (1936) · 4. Paths of Glory (1957) · 5. The Lion King ( ... 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ToyStory (1995) G | 81min | Animation,Adventure,Comedy 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   95 Metascore Acowboydollisprofoundlythreatenedandjealouswhenanewspacemanfiguresupplantshimastoptoyinaboy'sroom. Director: JohnLasseter | Stars: TomHanks, TimAllen, DonRickles, JimVarney Votes: 940,266 |Gross: $191.80M 2. CityLights (1931) G | 87min | Comedy,Drama,Romance 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   99 Metascore Withtheaidofawealthyerratictippler,adewy-eyedtrampwhohasfalleninlovewithasightlessflowergirlaccumulatesmoneytobeabletohelphermedically. Director: CharlesChaplin | Stars: CharlesChaplin, VirginiaCherrill, FlorenceLee, HarryMyers Votes: 178,188 |Gross: $0.02M 3. ModernTimes (1936) PG | 87min | Comedy,Drama,Family 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   96 Metascore TheTrampstrugglestoliveinmodernindustrialsocietywiththehelpofayounghomelesswoman. Director: CharlesChaplin | Stars: CharlesChaplin, PauletteGoddard, HenryBergman, TinySandford Votes: 231,840 |Gross: $0.16M 4. PathsofGlory (1957) 88min | Drama,War 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   90 Metascore Afterrefusingtoattackanenemyposition,ageneralaccusesthesoldiersofcowardiceandtheircommandingofficermustdefendthem. Director: StanleyKubrick | Stars: KirkDouglas, RalphMeeker, AdolpheMenjou, GeorgeMacready Votes: 189,552 5. TheLionKing (1994) G | 88min | Animation,Adventure,Drama 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   88 Metascore LionprinceSimbaandhisfatheraretargetedbyhisbitteruncle,whowantstoascendthethronehimself. Directors: RogerAllers, RobMinkoff | Stars: MatthewBroderick, JeremyIrons, JamesEarlJones, WhoopiGoldberg Votes: 998,458 |Gross: $422.78M 6. Hotarunohaka (1988) PG | 89min | Animation,Drama,War 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   94 Metascore AyoungboyandhislittlesisterstruggletosurviveinJapanduringWorldWarII. Director: IsaoTakahata | Stars: TsutomuTatsumi, AyanoShiraishi, AkemiYamaguchi, YoshikoShinohara Votes: 257,967 7. Dr.Strangeloveor:HowILearnedtoStopWorryingandLovetheBomb (1964) PG | 95min | Comedy,War 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   97 Metascore AninsaneAmericangeneralordersabombingattackontheSovietUnion,triggeringapathtonuclearholocaustthatawarroomfullofpoliticiansandgeneralsfranticallytriestostop. Director: StanleyKubrick | Stars: PeterSellers, GeorgeC.Scott, SterlingHayden, KeenanWynn Votes: 472,397 |Gross: $0.28M 8. 12AngryMen (1957) PG | 96min | Crime,Drama 9.0 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9/10 X   96 Metascore ThejuryinaNewYorkCitymurdertrialisfrustratedbyasinglememberwhoseskepticalcautionforcesthemtomorecarefullyconsidertheevidencebeforejumpingtoahastyverdict. Director: SidneyLumet | Stars: HenryFonda, LeeJ.Cobb, MartinBalsam, JohnFiedler Votes: 742,280 |Gross: $4.36M 9. WALL·E (2008) G | 98min | Animation,Adventure,Family 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   95 Metascore Inthedistantfuture,asmallwaste-collectingrobotinadvertentlyembarksonaspacejourneythatwillultimatelydecidethefateofmankind. Director: AndrewStanton | Stars: BenBurtt, ElissaKnight, JeffGarlin, FredWillard Votes: 1,057,489 |Gross: $223.81M 10. ReservoirDogs (1992) R(A) | 99min | Crime,Drama,Thriller 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   79 Metascore Whenasimplejewelryheistgoeshorriblywrong,thesurvivingcriminalsbegintosuspectthatoneofthemisapoliceinformant. Director: QuentinTarantino | Stars: HarveyKeitel, TimRoth, MichaelMadsen, ChrisPenn Votes: 970,311 |Gross: $2.83M 11. Casablanca (1942) PG | 102min | Drama,Romance,War 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   100 Metascore AcynicalexpatriateAmericancafeownerstrugglestodecidewhetherornottohelphisformerloverandherfugitivehusbandescapetheNazisinFrenchMorocco. Director: MichaelCurtiz | Stars: HumphreyBogart, IngridBergman, PaulHenreid, ClaudeRains Votes: 549,267 |Gross: $1.02M 12. RequiemforaDream (2000) R(A) | 102min | Drama 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   68 Metascore Thedrug-inducedutopiasoffourConeyIslandpeopleareshatteredwhentheiraddictionsrundeep. Director: DarrenAronofsky | Stars: EllenBurstyn, JaredLeto, JenniferConnelly, MarlonWayans Votes: 804,478 |Gross: $3.64M 13. Singin'intheRain (1952) PG | 103min | Comedy,Musical,Romance 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   99 Metascore Asilentfilmstarfallsforachorusgirljustasheandhisdelusionallyjealousscreenpartneraretryingtomakethedifficulttransitiontotalkingpicturesin1920sHollywood. Directors: StanleyDonen, GeneKelly | Stars: GeneKelly, DonaldO'Connor, DebbieReynolds, JeanHagen Votes: 231,890 |Gross: $8.82M 14. Coco (I)(2017) PG | 105min | Animation,Adventure,Comedy 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   81 Metascore AspiringmusicianMiguel,confrontedwithhisfamily'sancestralbanonmusic,enterstheLandoftheDeadtofindhisgreat-great-grandfather,alegendarysinger. Directors: LeeUnkrich, AdrianMolina | Stars: AnthonyGonzalez, GaelGarcíaBernal, BenjaminBratt, AlannaUbach Votes: 448,611 |Gross: $209.73M 15. TheUsualSuspects (1995) M18 | 106min | Crime,Drama,Mystery 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   77 Metascore Asolesurvivortellsofthetwistyeventsleadinguptoahorrificgunbattleonaboat,whichbeganwhenfivecriminalsmetataseeminglyrandompolicelineup. Director: BryanSinger | Stars: KevinSpacey, GabrielByrne, ChazzPalminteri, StephenBaldwin Votes: 1,040,967 |Gross: $23.34M 16. Whiplash (2014) R | 106min | Drama,Music 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   88 Metascore Apromisingyoungdrummerenrollsatacut-throatmusicconservatorywherehisdreamsofgreatnessarementoredbyaninstructorwhowillstopatnothingtorealizeastudent'spotential. Director: DamienChazelle | Stars: MilesTeller, J.K.Simmons, MelissaBenoist, PaulReiser Votes: 779,728 |Gross: $13.09M 17. Kiminonawa. (2016) PG | 106min | Animation,Drama,Fantasy 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   79 Metascore Twostrangersfindthemselveslinkedinabizarreway.Whenaconnectionforms,willdistancebetheonlythingtokeepthemapart? Director: MakotoShinkai | Stars: RyûnosukeKamiki, MoneKamishiraishi, RyôNarita, AoiYûki Votes: 234,382 |Gross: $5.02M 18. EternalSunshineoftheSpotlessMind (2004) NC-16 | 108min | Drama,Romance,Sci-Fi 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   89 Metascore Whentheirrelationshipturnssour,acoupleundergoesamedicalproceduretohaveeachothererasedfromtheirmemories. Director: MichelGondry | Stars: JimCarrey, KateWinslet, TomWilkinson, GerryRobertByrne Votes: 960,172 |Gross: $34.40M 19. Psycho (1960) PG | 109min | Horror,Mystery,Thriller 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   97 Metascore APhoenixsecretaryembezzles$40,000fromheremployer'sclient,goesontherun,andchecksintoaremotemotelrunbyayoungmanunderthedominationofhismother. Director: AlfredHitchcock | Stars: AnthonyPerkins, JanetLeigh, VeraMiles, JohnGavin Votes: 640,070 |Gross: $32.00M 20. SunsetBlvd. (1950) 110min | Drama,Film-Noir 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   Ascreenwriterdevelopsadangerousrelationshipwithafadedfilmstardeterminedtomakeatriumphantreturn. Director: BillyWilder | Stars: WilliamHolden, GloriaSwanson, ErichvonStroheim, NancyOlson Votes: 213,745 21. Léon (1994) NC-16 | 110min | Action,Crime,Drama 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   64 Metascore 12-year-oldMathildaisreluctantlytakeninbyLéon,aprofessionalassassin,afterherfamilyismurdered.Anunusualrelationshipformsasshebecomeshisprotégéeandlearnstheassassin'strade. Director: LucBesson | Stars: JeanReno, GaryOldman, NataliePortman, DannyAiello Votes: 1,099,148 |Gross: $19.50M 22. RearWindow (1954) PG | 112min | Mystery,Thriller 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   100 Metascore Awheelchair-boundphotographerspiesonhisneighborsfromhisGreenwichVillagecourtyardapartmentwindow,andbecomesconvincedoneofthemhascommittedmurder,despitetheskepticismofhisfashion-modelgirlfriend. Director: AlfredHitchcock | Stars: JamesStewart, GraceKelly, WendellCorey, ThelmaRitter Votes: 471,567 |Gross: $36.76M 23. TheIntouchables (2011) NC-16 | 112min | Biography,Comedy,Drama 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   57 Metascore Afterhebecomesaquadriplegicfromaparaglidingaccident,anaristocrathiresayoungmanfromtheprojectstobehiscaregiver. Directors: OlivierNakache, ÉricToledano | Stars: FrançoisCluzet, OmarSy, AnneLeNy, AudreyFleurot Votes: 809,844 |Gross: $13.18M 24. Memento (2000) NC-16 | 113min | Mystery,Thriller 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   80 Metascore Amanwithshort-termmemorylossattemptstotrackdownhiswife'smurderer. Director: ChristopherNolan | Stars: GuyPearce, Carrie-AnneMoss, JoePantoliano, MarkBooneJunior Votes: 1,183,383 |Gross: $25.54M 25. RaidersoftheLostArk (1981) PG | 115min | Action,Adventure 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   85 Metascore In1936,archaeologistandadventurerIndianaJonesishiredbytheU.S.governmenttofindtheArkoftheCovenantbeforeAdolfHitler'sNaziscanobtainitsawesomepowers. Director: StevenSpielberg | Stars: HarrisonFord, KarenAllen, PaulFreeman, JohnRhys-Davies Votes: 927,325 |Gross: $248.16M 26. Jagten (2012) R21 | 115min | Drama 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   77 Metascore Ateacherlivesalonelylife,allthewhilestrugglingoverhisson'scustody.Hislifeslowlygetsbetterashefindsloveandreceivesgoodnewsfromhisson,buthisnewluckisabouttobebrutallyshatteredbyaninnocentlittlelie. Director: ThomasVinterberg | Stars: MadsMikkelsen, ThomasBoLarsen, AnnikaWedderkopp, LasseFogelstrøm Votes: 309,823 |Gross: $0.69M 27. WitnessfortheProsecution (1957) 116min | Crime,Drama,Mystery 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   AveteranBritishbarristermustdefendhisclientinamurdertrialthathassurpriseaftersurprise. Director: BillyWilder | Stars: TyronePower, MarleneDietrich, CharlesLaughton, ElsaLanchester Votes: 118,689 |Gross: $8.18M 28. BacktotheFuture (1985) PG | 116min | Adventure,Comedy,Sci-Fi 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   87 Metascore MartyMcFly,a17-year-oldhighschoolstudent,isaccidentallysentthirtyyearsintothepastinatime-travelingDeLoreaninventedbyhisclosefriend,theeccentricscientistDocBrown. Director: RobertZemeckis | Stars: MichaelJ.Fox, ChristopherLloyd, LeaThompson, CrispinGlover Votes: 1,131,169 |Gross: $210.61M 29. Lavitaèbella (1997) PG | 116min | Comedy,Drama,Romance 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   59 Metascore Whenanopen-mindedJewishwaiterandhissonbecomevictimsoftheHolocaust,heusesaperfectmixtureofwill,humor,andimaginationtoprotecthissonfromthedangersaroundtheircamp. Director: RobertoBenigni | Stars: RobertoBenigni, NicolettaBraschi, GiorgioCantarini, GiustinoDurano Votes: 661,710 |Gross: $57.60M 30. M-EineStadtsuchteinenMörder (1931) 117min | Crime,Mystery,Thriller 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   WhenthepoliceinaGermancityareunabletocatchachild-murderer,othercriminalsjoininthemanhunt. Director: FritzLang | Stars: PeterLorre, EllenWidmann, IngeLandgut, OttoWernicke Votes: 152,462 |Gross: $0.03M 31. Alien (1979) PG | 117min | Horror,Sci-Fi 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   89 Metascore Afteraspacemerchantvesselreceivesanunknowntransmissionasadistresscall,oneofthecrewisattackedbyamysteriouslifeformandtheysoonrealizethatitslifecyclehasmerelybegun. Director: RidleyScott | Stars: SigourneyWeaver, TomSkerritt, JohnHurt, VeronicaCartwright Votes: 835,645 |Gross: $78.90M 32. Spider-Man:IntotheSpider-Verse (2018) PG | 117min | Animation,Action,Adventure 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   87 Metascore TeenMilesMoralesbecomestheSpider-Manofhisuniverse,andmustjoinwithfivespider-poweredindividualsfromotherdimensionstostopathreatforallrealities. Directors: BobPersichetti, PeterRamsey, RodneyRothman | Stars: ShameikMoore, JakeJohnson, HaileeSteinfeld, MahershalaAli Votes: 452,268 |Gross: $190.24M 33. TheSilenceoftheLambs (1991) R(A) | 118min | Crime,Drama,Horror 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   85 Metascore AyoungF.B.I.cadetmustreceivethehelpofanincarceratedandmanipulativecannibalkillertohelpcatchanotherserialkiller,amadmanwhoskinshisvictims. Director: JonathanDemme | Stars: JodieFoster, AnthonyHopkins, LawrenceA.Bonney, KasiLemmons Votes: 1,352,576 |Gross: $130.74M 34. CitizenKane (1941) PG | 119min | Drama,Mystery 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   100 Metascore FollowingthedeathofpublishingtycoonCharlesFosterKane,reportersscrambletouncoverthemeaningofhisfinalutterance;'Rosebud'. Director: OrsonWelles | Stars: OrsonWelles, JosephCotten, DorothyComingore, AgnesMoorehead Votes: 427,142 |Gross: $1.59M 35. AmericanHistoryX (1998) R21 | 119min | Drama 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   62 Metascore Aformerneo-naziskinheadtriestopreventhisyoungerbrotherfromgoingdownthesamewrongpaththathedid. Director: TonyKaye | Stars: EdwardNorton, EdwardFurlong, BeverlyD'Angelo, JenniferLien Votes: 1,078,265 |Gross: $6.72M 36. Oldeuboi (2003) R21 | 120min | Action,Drama,Mystery 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   77 Metascore Afterbeingkidnappedandimprisonedforfifteenyears,OhDae-Suisreleased,onlytofindthathemustfindhiscaptorinfivedays. Director: ParkChan-Wook | Stars: ChoiMin-sik, YooJi-Tae, KangHye-jeong, KimByeong-Ok Votes: 549,480 |Gross: $0.71M 37. StarWars (1977) PG | 121min | Action,Adventure,Fantasy 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   90 Metascore LukeSkywalkerjoinsforceswithaJediKnight,acockypilot,aWookieeandtwodroidstosavethegalaxyfromtheEmpire'sworld-destroyingbattlestation,whilealsoattemptingtorescuePrincessLeiafromthemysteriousDarthVader. Director: GeorgeLucas | Stars: MarkHamill, HarrisonFord, CarrieFisher, AlecGuinness Votes: 1,293,399 |Gross: $322.74M 38. AmericanBeauty (1999) R(A) | 122min | Drama 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   84 Metascore Asexuallyfrustratedsuburbanfatherhasamid-lifecrisisafterbecominginfatuatedwithhisdaughter'sbestfriend. Director: SamMendes | Stars: KevinSpacey, AnnetteBening, ThoraBirch, WesBentley Votes: 1,115,120 |Gross: $130.10M 39. Joker (2019) NC16 | 122min | Crime,Drama,Thriller 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   59 Metascore InGothamCity,mentallytroubledcomedianArthurFleckisdisregardedandmistreatedbysociety.Hethenembarksonadownwardspiralofrevolutionandbloodycrime.Thispathbringshimface-to-facewithhisalter-ego:theJoker. Director: ToddPhillips | Stars: JoaquinPhoenix, RobertDeNiro, ZazieBeetz, FrancesConroy Votes: 1,115,376 |Gross: $335.45M 40. StarWars:EpisodeV-TheEmpireStrikesBack (1980) PG | 124min | Action,Adventure,Fantasy 8.7 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.7/10 X   82 Metascore AftertheRebelsarebrutallyoverpoweredbytheEmpireontheiceplanetHoth,LukeSkywalkerbeginsJeditrainingwithYoda,whilehisfriendsarepursuedacrossthegalaxybyDarthVaderandbountyhunterBobaFett. Director: IrvinKershner | Stars: MarkHamill, HarrisonFord, CarrieFisher, BillyDeeWilliams Votes: 1,221,727 |Gross: $290.48M 41. TheGreatDictator (1940) 125min | Comedy,Drama,War 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   DictatorAdenoidHynkeltriestoexpandhisempirewhileapoorJewishbarbertriestoavoidpersecutionfromHynkel'sregime. Director: CharlesChaplin | Stars: CharlesChaplin, PauletteGoddard, JackOakie, ReginaldGardiner Votes: 215,694 |Gross: $0.29M 42. SentoChihironokamikakushi (2001) PG | 125min | Animation,Adventure,Family 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   96 Metascore Duringherfamily'smovetothesuburbs,asullen10-year-oldgirlwandersintoaworldruledbygods,witches,andspirits,andwherehumansarechangedintobeasts. Director: HayaoMiyazaki | Stars: DaveighChase, SuzannePleshette, MiyuIrino, RumiHiiragi Votes: 708,120 |Gross: $10.06M 43. GoodWillHunting (1997) NC-16 | 126min | Drama,Romance 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   70 Metascore WillHunting,ajanitoratM.I.T.,hasagiftformathematics,butneedshelpfromapsychologisttofinddirectioninhislife. Director: GusVanSant | Stars: RobinWilliams, MattDamon, BenAffleck, StellanSkarsgård Votes: 914,924 |Gross: $138.43M 44. Capharnaüm (2018) NC16 | 126min | Drama 8.4 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.4/10 X   75 Metascore Whileservingafive-yearsentenceforaviolentcrime,a12-year-oldboysueshisparentsforneglect. Director: NadineLabaki | Stars: ZainAlRafeea, YordanosShiferaw, BoluwatifeTreasureBankole, KawsarAlHaddad Votes: 79,288 |Gross: $1.66M 45. Se7en (1995) M18 | 127min | Crime,Drama,Mystery 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   65 Metascore Twodetectives,arookieandaveteran,huntaserialkillerwhousesthesevendeadlysinsashismotives. Director: DavidFincher | Stars: MorganFreeman, BradPitt, KevinSpacey, AndrewKevinWalker Votes: 1,543,189 |Gross: $100.13M 46. Vertigo (1958) PG | 128min | Mystery,Romance,Thriller 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   100 Metascore AformerSanFranciscopolicedetectivejuggleswrestlingwithhispersonaldemonsandbecomingobsessedwiththehauntinglybeautifulwomanhehasbeenhiredtotrail,whomaybedeeplydisturbed. Director: AlfredHitchcock | Stars: JamesStewart, KimNovak, BarbaraBelGeddes, TomHelmore Votes: 387,200 |Gross: $3.20M 47. It'saWonderfulLife (1946) PG | 130min | Drama,Family,Fantasy 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   89 Metascore AnangelissentfromHeaventohelpadesperatelyfrustratedbusinessmanbyshowinghimwhatlifewouldhavebeenlikeifhehadneverexisted. Director: FrankCapra | Stars: JamesStewart, DonnaReed, LionelBarrymore, ThomasMitchell Votes: 434,286 48. CidadedeDeus (2002) R21 | 130min | Crime,Drama 8.6 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.6/10 X   79 Metascore IntheslumsofRio,twokids'pathsdivergeasonestrugglestobecomeaphotographerandtheotherakingpin. Directors: FernandoMeirelles, KátiaLund | Stars: AlexandreRodrigues, LeandroFirmino, MatheusNachtergaele, PhellipeHaagensen Votes: 729,348 |Gross: $7.56M 49. ThePrestige (2006) PG | 130min | Drama,Mystery,Thriller 8.5 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.5/10 X   66 Metascore Afteratragicaccident,twostagemagiciansin1890sLondonengageinabattletocreatetheultimateillusionwhilesacrificingeverythingtheyhavetooutwiteachother. Director: ChristopherNolan | Stars: ChristianBale, HughJackman, ScarlettJohansson, MichaelCaine Votes: 1,263,959 |Gross: $53.09M 50. StarWars:EpisodeVI-ReturnoftheJedi (1983) PG | 131min | Action,Adventure,Fantasy 8.3 Ratethis     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.3/10 X   58 Metascore AfteradaringmissiontorescueHanSolofromJabbatheHutt,theRebelsdispatchtoEndortodestroythesecondDeathStar.Meanwhile,LukestrugglestohelpDarthVaderbackfromthedarksidewithoutfallingintotheEmperor'strap. Director: RichardMarquand | Stars: MarkHamill, HarrisonFord, CarrieFisher, BillyDeeWilliams Votes: 999,121 |Gross: $309.13M 1-50of100titles. |Next»  
