准确地的英文翻译 - 海词词典

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With so many variables, the exact cost is difficult to estimate. 学生们被告知必须准确地做实验。

Students defendant know must accurately do the experiment. 精确 ... 准确地   new 准确地的英文翻译 基本释义 wellandtruly byruleandline true accurately onthebutton exactly 准确地的用法和样例: 例句 由於有许多可变因素,很难准确地估算出成本。

Withsomanyvariables,theexactcostisdifficulttoestimate. 学生们被告知必须准确地做实验。

Studentsdefendantknowmustaccuratelydotheexperiment. 精确地,确切地以精确的方式;准确地 Inanexactmanner;accurately. 工程技术人员尤其必须能够迅速而准确地将自己的想法传达给别人。

Theengineerinparticularmustbeabletocommunicatehisideastoothersrapidlyandaccurately. 单词准确地的词典定义。

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