Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says:歌詞+中文翻譯

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You made me insecure 妳讓我缺乏信心. Told me I wasn't good enough 說我不夠好. But who are you to judge 但妳是哪根蔥來批評別人? 關於此地 聯絡我們 站務歷史公告 留言貼圖教學 網頁建置 悸動的旋律,儲存在音樂庫的深處,等待發掘... 推薦歌曲 Home / SelenaGomez / SelenaGomez&TheScene-WhoSays:歌詞+中文翻譯 SelenaGomez&TheScene-WhoSays:歌詞+中文翻譯 音樂庫 4/27/2013 西洋女藝人, 流行音樂, SelenaGomez Selena於2011年的歌曲, 人還是要有點自信心, 最重要的是不要太在意別人講的話, 知道自己是誰最重要了。

Youmademeinsecure 妳讓我缺乏信心 ToldmeIwasn'tgoodenough 說我不夠好 Butwhoareyoutojudge 但妳是哪根蔥來批評別人? Whenyou'readiamondintherough 妳還是一塊璞玉時 I'msureyougotsomethings 我相信妳確實有一套 You'dliketochangeaboutyourself 妳想要改變自己 Butwhenitcomestome 但至於我 Iwouldn'twanttobeanybodyelse 我不會想要變成別人 Lanananananananana Nanananananananana I'mnobeautyqueen 我不是選美皇后 I'mjustbeautifulme 我只是美麗的我 Lanananananananana Nanananananananana You'vegoteveryright 妳完全有權利 Toabeautifullife 擁有美好的人生 (C'mon!) (加油!) Whosays 誰說的? Whosaysyou'renotperfect 誰說妳不完美? Whosaysyou'renotworthit 誰說妳沒有用? Whosaysyou'retheonlyonethat'shurting 誰說妳是唯一會煩的人? Trustme 相信我 That'sthepriceofbeauty 那是美麗的代價 Whosaysyou'renotpretty 誰說妳不漂亮? Whosaysyou'renotbeautiful 誰說妳不美? Whosays 誰說的? It'ssuchafunnything 這真是有趣的事 Hownothing'sfunnywhenit'syou 當變成妳的事時都不有趣了 Youtell'emwhatyoumean 妳告訴別人妳的意思 Buttheykeepwhitingoutthetruth 他們卻一直掩蓋真相 It'slikeaworkofart 就像一件藝術品 Thatnevergetstoseethelight 從來不見天日 Keepyoubeneaththestars 把妳留在星空下 Won'tletyoutouchthesky 讓妳搆不著天 Lanananananananana Nanananananananana I'mnobeautyqueen 我不是選美皇后 I'mjustbeautifulme 我只是美麗的我 Lanananananananana nanananananananana You'vegoteveryright 妳完全有權利 Toabeautifullife 擁有美好的人生 (C'mon!) (加油!) Whosays 誰說的? Whosaysyou'renotperfect 誰說妳不完美? Whosaysyou'renotworthit 誰說妳沒有用? Whosaysyou'retheonlyonethat'shurting 誰說妳是唯一會煩的人? Trustme 相信我 That'sthepriceofbeauty 那是美麗的代價 Whosaysyou'renotpretty 誰說妳不漂亮? Whosaysyou'renotbeautiful 誰說妳不美? Whosays 誰說的? Whosaysyou'renotstarpotential 誰說妳沒有明星潛質? Whosaysyou'renotpresidential 誰說妳不能當會長? Whosaysyoucan'tbeinmovies 誰說妳不能拍電影? Listentome,listentome 聽我說,聽我說 Whosaysyoudon'tpassthetest 誰說妳不能通過測試? Whosaysyoucan'tbethebest 誰說妳不會是最棒的? Whosaid,whosaid 誰說過了?誰說過了? Won'tyoutellmewhosaidthat 快告訴我誰說過那樣了 (Yeah,WHOSAID!?) (是啊!誰說過了!?) Whosays 誰說的? Whosaysyou'renotperfect 誰說妳不完美? Whosaysyou'renotworthit 誰說妳沒有用? Whosaysyou'retheonlyonethat'shurting 誰說妳是唯一會煩的人? Trustme 相信我 That'sthepriceofbeauty 那是美麗的代價 Whosaysyou'renotpretty 誰說妳不漂亮? Whosaysyou'renotbeautiful 誰說妳不美? Whosays 誰說的? Whosays 誰說的? Whosaysyou'renotperfect 誰說妳不完美? Whosaysyou'renotworthit 誰說妳沒有用? Whosaysyou'retheonlyonethat'shurting 誰說妳是唯一會煩的人? Trustme 相信我 That'sthepriceofbeauty 那是美麗的代價 Whosaysyou'renotpretty 誰說妳不漂亮? Whosaysyou'renotbeautiful 誰說妳不美? Whosays 誰說的? 歌詞來源: ShareThis Facebook Twitter SelenaGomez 沒有留言 訂閱: 張貼留言 ( Atom ) 表情符號:圖片網址已複製到剪貼簿 Facebook 最近熱門 JohnDenver-TakeMeHome,CountryRoads:歌詞+中文翻譯 AliciaKeys-IfIAin'tGotYou:歌詞+中文翻譯 Disturbed-TheSoundOfSilence:經典歌曲(沉默之聲)。

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