您那边现在几点了?用英文怎么说 - 知名排行榜
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What time is it for you? What's the time? What time is it now? What is the time? 你那里几点了英语怎么说?. 您那边现在几点了?用英文怎么说 来自:网络  2021-06-04 Whatisyourlocaltimenow? 你那里是几点钟?Whattimeisitforyou?你那里是几点钟?Whattimeisitforyou? What'sthetime? Whattimeisitnow?Whatisthetime?
- 1“你那里现在几点钟”用英文怎么讲?_百度知道
你那里现在几点钟”用英文怎么讲? 12个回答. #热议# 开放三孩政策你怎么看? 百度网友5367e228d 2005-11-08 · TA获得超过1418个赞. 知道小有建树答主.
- 2【英文口說】About Time 四招教你用最道地的英文說時間@ 洋 ...
例如"What time is there?"「你那邊幾點?」 出國去都會有時差問題,. 跟身在國外的朋友聊天時,或在 ...
- 3現在幾點鐘?時間英文教學停聽看,教你實際生活如何表達 ...
3. It's eight twenty-seven in the morning. 4. It's five p.m.. 所以,你現在那邊幾點了呢? So what time is it no...
- 4您那边现在几点了?用英文怎么说 - 知名排行榜
What time is it for you? What's the time? What time is it now? What is the time? 你那里几点了英语怎么说?.
- 5"你那里现在是几点" 这个在英语(美国) 里怎么说? | HiNative