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Mouse Round Spermatids Developed In Vitro from Preexisting ...An undetermined issue is whether spermatids developed in vitro are capable of ... GL. ,. Millette. CF . Generation of flagella by cultured mouse spermatids.Characterization of BRD4 during Mammalian Postmeiotic Sperm ...2015年3月24日 · During the postmeiotic process of spermiogenesis, a spermatid ... BRD4 is expressed in meiotic cells and spermatids but not in mature sperm.Spermatozoa and spermatids retrieved from frozen reproductive ...2006年8月29日 · Spermatozoa and elongated spermatids released from defrosted epididymides and testes into GL-PBS or NIM were injected into oocytes.Transformation of the nucleus in Marchantia spermatids - agrisEnglish · Español · Français · العربية · 中文 · Русский · home- ... Transformation of the nucleus in Marchantia spermatids: morphogenesis. [1977]. Kreitner G.L. ...GERTON LABORATORY PUBLICATIONSIjiri TW, Vadnais ML, Huang AP, Lin AM, Levin LR, Buck J, Gerton GL. ... during epididymal maturation: a link to flagellar angulation in mouse spermatozoa?Functional transformation of the chromatoid body in mouse ...Cytodifferentiation of mammalian spermatids, developing towards spermatozoa in the post-meiotic process named spermiogenesis, includes marked changes in  ...Cis-acting regions sufficient for spermatocyte-specific transcriptional ...Cis-acting regions sufficient for spermatocyte-specific transcriptional and spermatid-specific translational control of the Drosophila melanogaster gene mst( 3)gl-9 ...Autophagy regulates spermatid differentiation via degradation of ...2016年7月8日 · Spermatozoa motility of atg7-null mice dropped significantly with some extra- cytoplasm retained on the mature sperm head. These defects are ...Uncoupling of transcription and translation of Fanconi anemia ...2015年3月9日 · Spermatogonia and pre-leptotene spermatocytes contained the majority of the FANC components examined i.e. complex I members FANCB, ...探討Septin12基因參與哺乳動物精子發育之功能 - 成功大學電子學位 ...電子信箱, [email protected] ... 學科別分類. 中文摘要, 已婚夫婦中約有10-15﹪的夫妻有不孕症的困擾,其中約有一半是男性因素所造成。

... Electron microscopic examination of spermatozoa showed misshapen nuclei, ... Sapiro, R. , Kostetskii, I., Olds-Clarke, P., Gerton, G.L., Radice, G.L., and Strauss, I.J. 2002.
