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[PDF] Spatial and temporal anomalies of soil gas in northern Taiwan and ...2017年2月22日 · Notably, many of these anomalies were observed several hours to a few days before the earth- quakes (ML > 3) that occurred in northern Taiwan.Vogt WeatherWatcher no Twitter: "Global sea surface temperature ...2018年3月28日 · Global sea surface temperature anomalies are approaching 0*C -- when was the last time this occurred (using 1981-2010 climatology)?.Archaean asteroid impacts, banded iron formations and MIF-S ...Given post-2.45 Ga diluting of possible MIF-S anomalies by the ... Farquhar, J., Masterson, A.L., Lyons, T.W., Bates, S., Anbar, A.D., Arnold, G.L., Garvin, ...Strong water isotopic anomalies in the martian atmosphere - Science2015年4月10日 · Strong water isotopic anomalies in the martian atmosphere: Probing current and ancient reservoirs. G. L. Villanueva,,*,; M. J. Mumma, ... tw | tw圖片全部顯示Long-term magnetic anomalies and their possible relationship to the ...2021年6月11日 · The cumulative anomaly method exhibited an increase prior to each Chilean earthquake (50–90 d prior to earthquakes) similar to those found for ...A solar cycle of spacecraft anomalies due to internal charging2002年7月31日 · How to cite. Wrenn, G. L., Rodgers, D. J., and Ryden, K. A.: A solar cycle of spacecraft anomalies due to internal charging, Ann. Geophys., 20, ...[PDF] Many-Objective Optimization for Anomaly Detection on Multi-Layer ...2021年4月28日 · focus on detecting anomalies in such complex networks. ... Each network Gl is represented by an adjacency matrix Al with entries al.Neuroanatomical abnormalities in chronic tinnitus in the human brain2014年6月2日 · In this paper, we review studies that have investigated brain morphology in chronic tinnitus in order to better understand the underlying ... tw | twThe Genetics and Development of ScoliosisThe spectrum of congenital anomalies of the VATER association: an international study. Am J Med Genet. 1997;71:8–15. Breen JG, Claggett TW, Kimmel GL, ...
