美國 Predicine 和雲健康聯合推出針對肺癌和攝護腺癌的無創傷癌症檢測

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美國芝加哥消息- 近日來自於世界各地的 3 萬 8000臨床腫瘤醫生和國際藥企匯集美國芝加哥,參加美國臨床腫瘤學會(ASCO)第 52 屆學術年會。

在本次的國際性學術盛會上,位於美國矽谷的 Predicine 公司和雲健康基因科技(上海)有限公司今天聯合宣布為中國的肺癌患者和攝護腺癌患者提供基於血液的無創傷癌症檢測服務。



今年早時在美國舊金山舉辦的國際分子醫學第23屆學術年會上,Predicine 公司總裁 Winston Patrick Kuo 博士宣布了「PrediSeq-肺癌」二代測序液態活檢產品。

今年4月,在美國紐奧良舉辦的美國癌症研究學會(AACR)第 107 屆學術年會上,Predicine 公司發布了世界首款針對攝護腺癌症的「PrediSeq-攝護腺癌」 二代測序液態活檢產品。

這兩項產品都是基於 Predicine 的液態活檢專利技術通過檢測血液中游離核酸的基因變異(點突變、拷貝數變異、插入\缺失、重排和剪接變異)來指導臨床治療方案、監控用藥療效、和鑑定潛在抗藥性的發病機制。



」Predicine 公司創始人、董事長兼執行長賈士東博士說。

「通過與雲健康等業界頂尖企業合作,Predicine 在產品研發和臨床應用方面與戰略合作夥伴實現優勢互補、雙方能夠在最短的時間內將最新的無創傷癌症診斷技術應用於臨床治療」賈士東博士補充說。



「國際製藥公司對 PrediSeq 的認可是對 Predicine 超一流科研團隊和強大科研實力在品牌、技術和產品上的最好背書,」雲健康 CEO 兼聯合創始人金剛博士在聲明中如是表示。

「通過與 Predicine 的多方位合作、我們聯手在第一時間內為中國癌症病人提供世界領先的分子診斷從而實現精準治療」金博士補充道。

關於 Predicine

Predicine 是一家專注於精準診斷、精準治療和大數據分析的國際化精準醫療組織。

Predicine 的成員來自於世界頂尖企業的資深專家和學者,在臨床腫瘤學、液態活檢、癌症診斷、二代測序、生物標記物開發、藥物研發、臨床藥物試驗、生物信息學和大數據云計算等方面處在業界領先地位。

堅持「科研驅動」和「患者為中心」的原則,Predicine 開發針對癌症及其他重要疾病的無創傷液態活檢產品、提供「一站式」生物標誌物服務平台、進行大數據云計算分析,致力於推動臨床精準診療和全球性藥物開發。


更多信息請瀏覽 www.predicine.com。








Winston Patrick Kuo, DDS, DMSc

President Predicine,Inc.

650-300-2188 (USA) [email protected]@predicine.com





聯繫郵箱: [email protected]

Predicine and CloudHealth offer blood-based lung and prostate cancer tests in China

Chicago, IL – Predicine Inc and CloudHealth Genomics Ltd announced today at the American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) 2016 meeting, to offer Predicine’s liquid biopsy tests to patients with lung (PrediSeq-Lung) or prostate (PrediSeq-Prostate) cancer in China.

Lung cancer is the number one cause ofmortality in China. Prostate cancer on the other hand is the fastest growing cancer type in China and the most common and second leading cause of cancer death in the western world. Earlier this year, Dr. Winston Patrick Kuo,President of Predicine, introduced their PrediSeq-Lung liquid biopsy test at the 23rd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, which took place in San Francisco. A month later, Predicine presented data introducing PrediSeq-Prostate, world’s first liquid biospy NGS test for precision medicinein prostate cancer, at the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting in New Orleans. Both tests are based on Predicine’s patented NGS technology, detecting genetic alterations (mutations, copy number, indel, rearrangement and splice variants) in circulation.

"We are committed to developing the first- and best-in-classnon-invasive NGS-based cancer tests to enable personalized cancer care and global drug development,」 said Dr. Shidong Jia, Founder and CEO of Predicine.「We are glad to work with industry leaders like CloudHealth so as to serve more patients in China in a timely manner,」 Dr. Jia added. Predicine plans to launch additional tests for major cancer types in China later this year.

The tests have been rigorously validated and are now being adopted by lead ing pharmaceutical companies in the US and China. 「The recognition of PrediSeq cancer tests by top-notch pharmaceutical companies is a testament of the science and quality behind Predicine,」 Dr.Jason Jin, CEO and Co-founder of CloudHealth, said in a statement. 「We are excited to move forward with Predicine to offer cancer patients and drug development companies instant access to the state-of-the-art liquid biopsy technology,」 Dr. Jin added.

About Predicine

Predicine Holdings Ltd is an international precision medicine organization that is committed to developing innovative diagnostics, therapeutics and big data in cancer and other serious diseases. Predicine is formed by a group of industry veterans with leadership experience and domain expertise in precision oncology, liquid biopsy, cancer diagnostics, next-generation sequencing, biomarker development, drug discovery, clinicaltrial, bioinformatics and cloud computing. Following the principle of science-driven and patient-first spirit, Predicine develops innovative non-invasive precision diagnostic products in cancer and other serious diseases, provides an integrated "one-stop-shop" biomarker service platform, and conducts big data analyses to enable precision medicine in personalized cancer care and global drug development. The company operates in Hayward, California USA and Shanghai, China.Visit www.predicine.com to learn more.

About CloudHealth

CloudHealth is a high-techcompany, focusing on the transformation and application of precision medicalgenomics, is to be the leader of the China precision medical high-throughput sequencing and one of the advocates. By the National Development and Reform Commission, the first genetic testing demonstration center, The China Free Trade Zone International Precision Medical Cooperation Center.

CloudHealth established the world's most advanced high flux whole genome sequencing technology platform, providing comprehensive solution from genetic testing to health, is committed to advocacy and lead the preventive medicine, precision medical enterprise, the development of health industry, upgrade the quality of life ofthe public health, reduce the risk of disease.


Company WinstonPatrick Kuo, DDS, DMSc


650-300-2188 (USA) [email protected]@predicine.com

Jason Gang Jin, MD, PhD

CEO, Co-Founder

CloudHealth Genomics Ltd.

[email protected]



